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Avatars: Cheat Mode

There are some very clever development teams out there doing very clever things with avatars. Unfortunately, we have neither the time nor resources for ‘clever’. What we aim for is ‘release ready’. At least for our first release. That seems like a good goal. Once we’ve got the basics up and running, and people trying…


No RPG is complete without dungeons. You can do some pretty neat things in VR that make the experience even more terrifying. Narrow claustraphobic tunnels, minimal lighting to increase the sense of panic, clever use of particles in the air to restrict vision at key points… The below is a rough initial map of the…

Fun With Maps

Since VR is uncharted territory, we had to spend many many months experimenting and finding the best way of working. Despite trawling the internet for development guides, there was very little advice out there. We spent a lot of time sympathising with other VR devs online and sharing our findings with the community. No one…

Start Screen

Experiments in space… Every game begins with a start screen where you log in, choose your character, pick a server and go. Most have flashy background art, some exciting music to set the tone of the game, and the standard menu options. VR gives you so many options that it’s hard to choose, but for…

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